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What makes Mylapore Express worthy of your business?

Rich ingredients with excellent cooking skills, prepared at the right temperature with the perfect portions at the right time. Now THAT'S what makes delicious food!

What should I cook today? The one question every homemaker thinks about in their day-to-day life. It may sound like a simple task, but it can be a cumbersome one for individuals who are stay-at-home parents, spouses, even single parents stressing about what meal to serve the family next.

It's time to respect your time.

Let's get into some minor details. To cook something for your family, you need vegetables, spices, oils, and other ingredients as well. For now, let's exclude spices and oils and just focus on veggies and a few other "pocket killers"...

Suppose we purchase onions (2lb, $3.50), okra (2lb, $7.00), beans (2lb, $4.00), tomatoes (2lb, $3.50)... ...In this case, the total would cost us about $40.00.

Putting expenses aside, you lose some things even more valuable when you cook. You lose your precious time and productivity. Your time spent shopping is 1 hour. Preparation time: 1.5 hours. Cooking may take another 1.5 hours. Now you have dishes. Great. Better add another 1 hour to the equation! Also, think about the unused portions of veggies that end up in the trash. This could be another $5 or so. Adding up your time at a modest $15.00 per hour, your time was worth $75.00.

Finally, if you do the math, it pays to order Mylapore Express. Let us take care of all your food goals so you can be free to take care of your life goals!


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